Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Being Close

When Josh and I were dating we had some issues with communication. Maybe it was out of fear of rejection (I had quite a past with guys) or lack of common ground (I'd never dated a believer before)?

When we'd go out to eat we'd sit at the table and just look at each other, eat and go home. We'd go to the grocery store, walk around, get what we needed, checkout and go home. Do you see something missing yet?=) We would take whole road trips without hardly saying a word to each other. To this day we aren't quite sure what the problem was. Or was it even a problem?

I knew I liked him, I knew there were things to talk about, I just didn't feel compelled to strike up conversation. I just liked to be with him, even in those awkward moments. Maybe I was giving him his space to tell me what was on his mind, but if you know Josh at all you know that he is a man of few words when he is relaxed and contemplative. Just one of the many reasons I love that man!

This journey of "being still" with God and listening for his still, small voice has felt so familiar to me. We sit in silence together. It felt awkward at first, but I know He loves me, I know there are things to talk about, but I no longer feel compelled to strike up conversation. I am giving Him space to tell me what's on His mind.

I may not ever hear "a word" from Him but I just like being with Him. I just like being close to Him.


Gina said...

I loved your blog this morning! Being a person that doesn't have quiet moments like that on a regular basis it is really intriguing to me. I tend to normally have something that I am just chomping at the bit to say and your blog was a fresh reminder to me to just "be" with God or my husband. I understand the comfortable feeling and wanting to being with my husband....I long for that feeling for that with God and I know it is coming....just reading this has caused me to meditate on this.

Thank you!!
Blessings to you and your family!

mel said...

Neither of us (Chris nor I) are conversationalists. There are really some days (or were before Arwen was born) that we rarely speak. Not because we don't like or love one another, but because neither of us really feel the need to feel the space with air, I suppose. We're happy being 'with' each other, in the same space. Even now, when Arwen goes to bed at night we can spend the rest of the evening until we each go to bed not speaking. But, we're always in the same room, doing our own thing. We like to be close without being on top of one another. That behavior feels very intimate sometimes, at least to us.

the broomes said...

I love this post, Tasha. Thank you for the challenge of being still before the Lord (something I struggle with-- I tend to feel the need to fill those empty spaces with "chatter"). Thanks for putting it so beautifully and plainly!