1- Hotel time has been SO relaxing. I know, you usually don't think of the word "relaxing" to describe a 4-year-old, a 2 1/2 year-old, a pregnant lady and a worn out husband, but it really has been nice. The kids have been GREAT! Both mornings here in the hotel we've ALL slept in until about 10am. It helps that the kids have been exhausted from the days activities=) (For some reason Areyna wouldn't sleep in the bed WITH Zeke. She preferred the sleeping bags on the floor=))
2-Henderson Pace Of Life. I love it here in the country. It is so crazy living in fast-paced Charlotte. It's been nice to get away. It helps to refocus sometimes. Less distraction for sure. For some reason all the things that seem to matter in the city just don't matter out here=) *sigh*
3-Family. Well, not exactly family, but the Burgess family might as well be family. Pastor Tim is the Pastor of the church Josh used to work for before we moved to Charlotte. We lived next door to them before we moved and they are known as Grammy and Papa to our kids and the Burgess kids are like brother and sisters to us and the kids can't get enough of them!
I am glad that you had some time off. It can really give you a better outlook, especially when you are used to doing lots of stuff each day. I guess I also need some time off just to energize. Being a mom is really not easy, but I'm loving every minute of it.
Hey! Where are you guys staying....you can email me at countingpirate@hotmail.com with that information! I had some of Allison's clothes that I think Rainy may be able to wear if you want them and of course if you are nearby! It is a few dresses...not much but dresses nonetheless for a pretty, pretty princess!
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