Friday, December 21, 2007

My Favorite Things #8

BEING A MOM. Yes, it's a challenge sometimes, but man, what a blessing! The funny things they do make me laugh, the silly things they say make me wonder "where they got that from", the temper-tantrums they throw remind me of how careful I need to be to control my temper around them, the harsh things they say help me be more aware of the words that come out of my mouth. It is sometimes scary how much they act like me. What a responsibility I have, as a mother, to exemplify Christ through my everyday life. Sometimes I feel like we, as stay-at-home moms, think that we don't have much of a Christian platform in the community, but, our mission, as Christians, is to reach the lost. What better way to reach this world, than through our children. Raising them in the Word, to grow up to want a personal relationship of their own with Christ, and to become Christian leaders and doers. God has called me to be a mom and I want to do it with excellence.


Josh Via said...

That's my girl!

Rhonda said...

Thanks for that reminder, Tasha. Sometimes I get distracted from the idea that I am reaching the lost with Jubal. Yes, he is so impressionable and God has called me to share the love of Jesus with him. I love it too. It's fun and hard all at the same time. You are a great mom!

Anonymous said...

Being a mom is STILL one of my favorite things.